Tuesday, October 13, 2009


ON Friday we went hiking. Actually I understood that we will just go to someone’s place to watch a movie and then since she lives bit out of the city, we can also take a walk in the nature.
After about 15 minutes drive we reached to a fantastic look out place, where all you can see is mountains and a small valley with pomegranate farm between them. And the person who lives there actually has this view from here house:

Then it turns out that the nice walk is an actual hike (well coming from a country with no hills, I would even call it a mountain climbing) what we are going to do. After few minutes I find myself in the middle of the mountain, which seems to be almost 90 degrees.

And then I remember that I am afraid of heights. Cant move any more. Adrenaline is high and the sun is burning my head. So I put my hands down and try to crawl down, but the hill is covered with thorns, but suddenly you just don’t care - it is a fight for life. Thank god Julie saved me and took me hand on hand, teached me how to move and where to move. Then it almost felt like my first snowboarding lesson - which wasn’t very successful as well. At the end I can say it was a lot of fun - but next time I just stay down and watch the view J.

But back to the house. It was like a dream place to live:

View from the balcony, where people set up a movie with projector afterwards:

Living room:

Home made olives:

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